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Created by Peter Wieland
(peter.wieland(at)dnv.com) .
Copyleft under the terms of The GNU General Public License.


Location: ./PW_Tools/PWE/Input/ (Example)

The ":" separated ASCII-text contains for each defined activity the following fields


COMPIT:2000-03-30:COMPIT Potsdam, Berlin (Germany):www.schiffbau.uni-hamburg.de/compit:COd:Paper accepted:COd:To be prepared:5-54-S-1999-03-0:COd:To be prepared:

Field explanation:

ref a reference must be unique (only used internally so far)
date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
name name, location, etc. of the conference
url a http-address of the company (without "http://"-prefix) (e.g. www.dnv.com)
overall_resp a person responsible for the total event in the format "ABr" where
ABr : is the unique identified for each person taken from contacts.csv
overall_state a state for the total event
paper_resp a person responsible for the paper in the format "ABr" where
ABr : is the unique identified for each person taken from contacts.csv
paper_state a state for the paper
paper_ref a reference to the paper in the format of the document reference system
pres_resp a person responsible for the presentation in the format "ABr" where
ABr : is the unique identified for each person taken from contacts.csv
pres_state a state for the presentation
pres_ref a reference to the presentation in the format of the document reference system


Generated: Sun Aug 28 08:50:59 2005 by PWR.pl (PW_Tools)